
Luwak coffee is coffee costliest and most bizarre from Indonesian

Coffee! high caffeinated beverages was ranked second world, one level below the water in terms of consumption. No fewer than 2 million people drink every day, making coffee become the third largest primary commodities under, petroleum and gas.
Because of its popularity, not surprisingly, there are dozens, even hundreds of new varieties that are found intentionally or unintentionally. Starting from the known to the coffee Arabica, Mocha Yamen, Java, Oxaca, etc.. All of these superior varieties, vying to supply coffee, meet the high level of demand from various countries around the world.

Indonesia, according to FAO statistics ranked third, as a supplier of coffee world. There are three types of superior varieties of this country are very popular and in demand by kafeinisme world, the nickname given to people drink coffee enthusiasts.
Into three types of coffee are known as the Indonesian Sumatra coffee (Gayo Mandheling Lintong), Indonesian Sulawesi, and Civet Coffee.
Sumatra coffee is an excellent variety of Indonesia. Planted in the highlands, making it a sharp aroma, powerful, and slightly acidic. This type of Sumatran coffee is a staple in the manufacture or Doppio Espresso (double espresso) that have a strong aroma of black, busting drowsiness.

Luwak coffee is the most peculiar types of coffee in Indonesia, or even in the world.
Because the process of picking Luwak coffee beans are very different from other coffee.
Coffee is generally harvested first and then the seeds are picked when ripe. Meanwhile, the process of picking Luwak coffee, arguably a little bit disgusting. Where if coffee beans have been cooked, remove farmers
Luwak (a type of weasel or Civet) eating seeds falling. After that they waited for the Civet is throwing dirt. Coffee beans that came out concurrent with Civet droppings that are taken for further processing.

Many people who doubted fermentation. However, researchers in Canada's research proves, that the protein content in the stomach Civet, making the beans ferment and mature more perfect. Thus, the resulting feeling much better and denser than other coffees.

The price is very high in world market. 635 U.S. dollars must be spent to get 1 kg of Luwak coffee. In America, for Luwak coffee tasting, we had to spend $ 50 U.S. dollars. JUST FOR ONE CUP! Figures are fantastic just to sip a cup of coffee.
This phenomenal coffee even had a hot topic in America, and entered the Oprah Winfrey show. Reality show American event is watched by no less than 4 million people every day.
Luwak Coffee from Indonesia is already go international, and hold the title as most expensive coffee in the world and the weirdest.



Koreans like Luwak Coffee, a small cup valued 50,000 Korean Won or 44.34 USD

Appreciation of the Indonesian luwak coffee products in the domestic Korean ginseng is extraordinary. Luwak coffee has become its own prestige for urban Korean society in general.

Trade Attache Indonesian Embassy in Korea, said Dody Edward, the price of a small cup of coffee Luwak Indonesia in Korea valued at up to 50,000 Korean Won. This condition becomes a lucrative market for Indonesian Luwak coffee products.

"Korean people were talkative, there Luwak coffee has become a prestige," he said.

Every corner in urban Korea already happy with Luwak coffee. Luwak coffee drinking has become a distinctive lifestyle for people in urban Korea.

He added that overall demand for Indonesia's coffee exports to Taiwan every year to record a stunning figure. The development of the 2008 Indonesia's coffee exports to Korea only U.S. $ 1.66 million while in 2009 has reached U.S. $ 10.417 million.

"The period January to July 2010 coffee exports to Korea have gone up 96%, ie U.S. $ 6.2 million, the same period last year was only U.S. $ 3.1 million," he said.

Indonesia continues to see this condition do promotion and marketing of Indonesian coffee products.



Why Choose Komo's Luwak Coffee

Luwak Coffee, the coffee that comes from the feces (droppings) animal mongoose. Basically the coffee beans will not undergo fermentation, although the coffee is stored in a long time, then of this is eaten civet coffee will ferment in the stomach naturally mongoose. because coffee beans are very hard so the beans will be removed intact with feces.

Basically, the mongoose is not completely consuming coffee. the animal is consuming coffee and coffee just for kicks eaten tend to only coffee that has been cooked and good. So no wonder the type of wild civet coffee more attractive and have a much higher price than the civet coffee that comes from civet breeding.

Luwak coffee, have many privileges. Very much good for health, in addition to a distinctive and delicious flavor. Luwak coffee contains caffeine and acid levels are low, so
Luwak coffee consumption is safe for patients with stomach pain.

Luwak coffee beans that we get guaranteed authenticity, because we have assisted farmers who supply wild civet coffee beans on a regular basis. We produce quality coffee beans, then from this limited our production capacity is only 150 kilograms per month. Since our beans come from wild civet (not pet / captivity).

So Komo's Luwak coffee:
- 100% Arabica Kopi Luwak, Non-Mixed
- Civet Coffee from wild civet (not a pet mongoose / captivity)
- Coffee beans with a selection of Triple Pick sorting method (manually)


Arabica and Robusta Coffee

 There are many species of coffee trees all over the world, about 70 species. But there are only two species of coffee trees that are generally known to be produced as a product of coffee. Both species are used for the production of approximately 98 percent of world coffee production.

1. Arabica coffee

Arabica coffee from Coffea arabica species of coffee tree. This type of coffee is the most widely produced, which is about more than 60 percent of world coffee production. Arabica coffee species Coffea arabica produces the best kind of coffee. Arabica coffee has a caffeine content of not more than 1.5 percent and has a chromosome number of 44 chromosomes.

2.Robusta coffee
Robusta coffee is the Coffea canephora species of tree, the tree reaching 12 meters high and can be grown in areas with lower than Arabica coffee. Robusta coffee is usually used as instant coffee or fast food. Robusta coffee has higher caffeine content, it seems more neutral, as well as a stronger coffee aroma. Caffeine content in coffee robusta reach 2.8 percent and has a chromosome number of 22 chromosomes. Robusta coffee production currently account for one third of worldwide coffee production.